----Selamat atas terpilihnya Kak Supriyadi Makara sebagai Ketua dan Kak Aprilya Novitasari sebagai Wakil Ketua DKC Trenggalek masa bakti 2011-2016, Semoga menjadikan T/D Trenggalek lebih baik---

Road to World Scout Jamboree 2011 Sweden

The 22nd World Scout Jamboree will be held in Sweden in 2011. The theme for the Jamboree is Simply Scouting. In fact, the 22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011 is Simply Scouting!

... So what does this mean??

Within the theme of "Simply Scouting", there are 3 important concepts that will be present in every aspect of the Jamboree:

1. Meetings
22WSJ Sweden will encourage meetings between those from different cultures, religions, countries and contingents. Participants will get to know those who live outside of their own local community and find that strangers can become friends. Meetings will take place everywhere, from module activities to subcamp life, from small camp fires to huge arena events. All aspects of the camp will encourage meetings: the schedule, the programme and even the site design!!

22WSJ Sweden will be close to nature, in fact we will live in the middle of nature for 2 weeks, in an immense field surrounded by trees and woodlands. The Jamboree Programme will use the natural environment as a learning tool, demonstrating both its vulnerability and what individuals can do to better protect the world we live in.

3. Solidarity
22WSJ Sweden will encourage solidarity between Scouts of all ages, and promote the unity between Scout Organisations from around the world. It will also help us see that we share a common responsibility to our world and to each other. The Jamboree will promote respect for other people, emphasising equal rights and peace and at the Jamboree itself, all are equal, independent of any personal characteristics or background.

from: official World Scout Jamboree

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